Interrogative Adverbs Explained with Definitions and Examples

Interrogative adverbs are a special type of adverb which we to ask a question about specific time, place and person. For example: ” Where is he?” or ” What are the questions?”. These are the examples which we use in our daily life. In this lesson we will discuss more examples like this and with colorful pictures let’s go through a full grammar journey!

What Are Interrogative Adverbs?

These are the types of words or sentences that we use to ask a question about time, place , person or reason. The words used to ask questions related to time, place, reason, or manner. These types of adjectives mostly contain the ”WH” family, but other words are often used. These adverbs adds interest and asks for more definition.

In simpler terms, interrogative adverbs answer questions like whenwherewhy, and how.

Interrogative Adverbs

Types of Interrogative Adverbs

Refers to time
Example Question
When will you study?
WhereRefers to placeWhere is your home?
WhyRefers to reason or cause
Why are you here?
WhatRefers to a thing or conditionWhat is the rule?
HowRefers to manner or conditionHow are you ?

Using Interrogative Adverbs in Sentences

Before adding these adverbs to your sentence, you should know how to use where to put these? Interrogative adverbs are added at the beginning of a sentence. Every interrogative adverb has it’s own function and works according to the information the person is asking. we will look how to use them in detail:

1. When – Asking About Time

These are used to ask about the time. It asks information about the timing of action or thing.


  • When is the train leaving?
  • When is the performance?

In both examples, when is asking for the time of the actions (starting and completing).

2. Where – Asking About Place

This type of function of this adverb asks about the place where the action has taken place.


  • Where is the school?
  • Where did the frog go?

Here, it asks for the location of the speaker’s actions (going and leaving).

3. Why – Asking About Reason

This function is to ask the reason about the action.


  • Why you happy?
  • Why is he crying?

In these sentences, why is probing for the reason behind emotions or decisions.

4. How – Asking About Manner or Process

Is used to ask about the manner or way in which something has happened. It also asks about the process or more details.


How can I improve my English?

How long will you stay?

Difference Between Interrogative Adverbs and Interrogative Pronouns

Many people, mostly who are new learners of English get confuse in the difference between Interrogative adverb and Interrogative pronoun. Well These both are used for asking questions. But used in different places here the difference:

Interrogative Adverb
Modifies a verb to ask about time, place, reason, or manner
Interrogative Pronoun
Replaces a noun to ask about a person or thing, such as who or what
Example: When are you leaving?Example: Who is your mother?

Advanced Usage of Interrogative Adverbs

In a complex sentence, these adverbs can be used in indirect sentence, and can be attached to another parts of speech for better explanation. Let’s take a look on some examples:

Indirect Questions with Interrogative Adverbs

In an indirect sentence asks question between the statement , it usually doesn’t asks question in the typical way.


  • Can you guess why did you failed?
  • Do they know when the performance starts?

Interrogative Adverbs in Complex Sentences

You can also use them in more complex sentences to inquire about detailed information.


  • How will solve this problem when you are in hospital?
  • Why weren’t you there where they told you?

These examples show how it can be combined with conditional clauses or other adverbs to form longer, more detailed questions.

Common Mistakes with Interrogative Adverbs

It is very important to remember to how to use these adverbs and not make a mistake. Many ESL students make these common mistakes:

Correct: When did she leave?

Misplacing the Interrogative Adverb: The interrogative adverb must be placed at the start of a direct question.

Incorrect: They went where?

Correct: Where did they go?

Using the Wrong Interrogative Adverb: Learners sometimes confuse the purpose of different adverbs.

Incorrect: How did he leave? (asking about manner when the question is about time)

Interrogative Adverbs Example Sentences

Example Sentence
When will she leave?
WhereWhere they going for vacations?
WhyWhy is he crying?
HowHow was your holidays?
WhenWhen was he playing?
WhereWhere is teacher Sandra?
WhyWhy are they not studying?
HowHow are you going to bake the cake?
WhenWhen is Halloween?
WhereWhere is the school going for trip?
WhyWhy was he bleeding?
HowHow did you get hurt?
WhenWhen was he going to Korea?
WhereWhere is your house?
Howhow is she doing?
WhyWhy can’t you play ?
WhenWhen is he going to home?
WhereWhere was last the dinner booked?
WhyWhy did she said no?
HowHow did you forget that?

List of Interrogative Adverbs

  • When
  • Where
  • Why
  • How
  • What
  • Which
  • Whom
  • Whence
  • Whereby
  • Wherefore
  • Whenever
  • Wherever
  • However
  • Why not
  • How often
  • How long
  • How much
  • How far
  • How many
  • Why ever


  • What is the adverb of interrogate?

    Interrogative adverbs are a special type of adverb which we to ask a question about specific time, place and person. For example: ” Where is he?” or ” What are the questions?”.
  • What is an interrogative adverb with examples?

    The interrogative adverbs are “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how.”
  • How will solve this problem when you are in hospital?
  • Why weren’t you there where they told you?
  • When is he going to home?
  • Where is your house?


In this lesson we learned about a special type of adverbs that play an important role in our sentence for asking question and these types of adverbs are called Interrogative adverbs. It is very important to learn adverbs and it’s types. Many ESL students make mistakes in this adverb, to make sure that you don’t make any mistake in interrogative adverbs that’s why we have prepared this lesson.

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